Sunday Morning
9:45am | Sunday School
Ages 3-5th grade, learn about God in a classroom setting with kids their age and teachers dedicated to answering their questions and building a strong foundation from God's Word.
10:45am | Junior Church
Ages 3-5th grade, spend time in worship of God through song, praying together, and age-appropriate lessons with take homes for parents to go deeper with their kids.
Ages birth to 3 years old. We provide care for your infants and toddlers during our 11am worship service.
This is thanks to our fully vetted volunteers who must undergo an individual interview and pass background checks and receive continual child protection policy training so that parents can worship God and be at ease knowing their children are safe and cared for.
7Pm | Sept-Apr
3rd-6th grade boys, Stockade provides the opportunity for boys to be discipled toward Christ and biblical manhood through a comprehensive process of life skills, physical and mental activities, fun, service, achievement, Bible memory, and stories.
Adult Christian men serve as role models and demonstrate Christian manhood in action.

Pioneer Girls
7Pm | Sept-May
1st-6th grade girls. We separate the girls into three groups: Voyagers (grades 1&2), Pathfinders (grades 3&4) and Trailblazers (grade 5&6).
A regular night includes Bible study, Scripture memory, life skills development and emphasis on relational discipleship and outreach. This is done through Bible exploration, Bible memory verses, activity awards and relationships with their leaders and other members.